The Impossible Tahoe Turn and Burn

What you’re about to read is intended to be an exclusive seat in the truck as we traverse at least 5K miles of the Southwest,

with lots of the wackiest shit to see, with what might seem like unlikely missions to accomplish and that exclusivity is open to any of you reading this - all you have to do is ask. And I hope you join, because it's going to be fun, funny, and furious travel, the likes of which we are probably the only two dudes you know who are not only able, but willing to pull off.

Josh Flack and I have been best friends since the first time we met, longer ago than I can now than I can remember.

We’ve always told people that we met on eHarmony, but  truthfully we met on MySpace, through a mutual appreciation of a little band called
The Gourds. 

We've had so many adventures and it's hard to say which was the best. Instead, we knowingly (or not) try to out do them all. Tomorrow could be the beginning of our latest and greatest adventure yet, or maybe rival the elusive "worst trip ever, as defined to us years ago by a pair of buddies in the 2 stalls of the shitter at Phantom Ranch in the bottom of the Grand Canyon who were exorcizing the demons of trail food and unfiltered water.

Day 1 of this journey was a few days ago when we each left Terlingua, him to the Flack Farm for Thanksgiving with the family and me to FTW with quickie pit stops in Austin and Waco. Tomorrow officially begins our trip driving from Decatur, TX to Durango, CO in one fell swoop, about 12 hours on the road - nothing either of us seasoned, long-haul truckers haven't done before or couldn’t top at some point down the line. From there, things will get interesting to say the least, at least in my estimation, which any of you reading this can probably imagine is pretty accurate. 


The Impossible Tahoe Turn and Burn, Day 1 - Part 1